Bunso Baby  Donates Diaper Bags to Homeless Moms  in San Francisco

Bunso Baby Donates Diaper Bags to Homeless Moms in San Francisco

It looked like any other baby shower complete with a cake, gifts and decorations. Except it wasn't just for one mom or one baby. It was a baby shower for 13 moms in San Francisco.

Four times a year, the Homeless Prenatal Program helps dozens of homeless or disadvantaged pregnant women in San Francisco by offering a 10-week prenatal class. These classes end with a Baby Shower that welcomes graduates, a few newborns, and families back to HPP for a celebration complete with food, games, and door prizes. Every participant receives a diaper bag filled with items including onesies and pajamas, baby blankets, toiletries, and other essentials. Baby Showers also include chances to win large prizes like car seats and strollers.

two black pregnant women in a baby shower

BUNSO Baby was honored to be one of the sponsors at this year's baby shower by providing moms the perfect Bunso 2-in-1 diaper bag changing station, that every new mom needs. 

bunso baby bag with leather

"Our Moms were thrilled with the bag's convertible changing station! Your generosity makes a significant difference and empowers our moms to create positive change in their lives," said Jodie Low, Assistant Volunteer & Donations Coordinator.
women at a table including a pregnant woman
"Diaper bags are one of the most requested items every single week," said Pam Mangan, HPP's Operations Manager to Aliw Pablo, Bunso Baby's Mom-in-Chief, after they dropped off a donation of dozens of Bunso 2-in-1 bags as a celebration of Mother's Day a few months ago.
two women in front of bins of bags
Bunso Baby is honored to be the diaper bags that these families will be using during this very joyous time in their lives as they await for their bundle of joy.
We look forward to doing more and helping more people with HPP San Francisco!  
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